2010 and beyond

Wow it’s been a while since I have updated my poor lonely blog site. I’ll admit I like to try all the new stuff and I’ve been lured away by Facebook and Twitter. I actually went to the blog tonight to delete it. Returning to it was a painful reminder of my lack of motivation the latter part of 2009. I have a bad habit of being very hard on myself so I won’t say it is painful to return to the blog because I feel like a failure. I think as long as I realize I the need to continue to put in an effort to be healthy and fit and try, I’m not failing. It’s when I quit all together I’m in trouble.

This year will be full of many challenges. This past weekend was one of those challenges fitness wise. I participated in the Fremont Indoor 10k and it was really, really hard. I had been to the gym every day but 1 or 2 in the month of January and working at building endurance for this run. I knew I wouldn’t win anything and I wasn’t competing against anyone but myself. I finished the race in 1:12. #77 out of 80 runners and that’s ok. I can handle that.

My plan this year is to run in most of the local races to support our local running club. I have also signed up for a 1/2 marathon in Columbus on October 17th. It’s a long way off but I started printing out various training plans today to plan for the next 35 weeks. Julie gave me a good idea of starting with a 8 week 5k, move to the 10k – 8 week plan and then onto the 12 week 1/2 marathon plan. It’s a great idea and I think it will be just what I need to keep building strength and endurance. My time in the Glass City 1/2 last year was 3:01 and of course I would like to beat that.

This year will also be a new year for my health. I’ve had some changes occur over the past couple of months and these have played a part in my battle with weight. In early January I went to my doctor after struggling with low energy, weight gain and freezing all the time. I had blood tested and it came back showing an underactive thyroid. Now mind you my doctor has been waiting for my thyroid to fail for more than 8 years and I figured she was full of crap. She has had me tested nearly every year and every time it was fine. It would piss me off because every year I was paying for pathology tests that proved nothing. So this time I felt the same way about it and really was surprised when it came back underactive. She put me on meds right away and within a week I felt so much better. My energy level was high and I felt good. Only thing that wasn’t changing was my weight. I went back in 2 week after starting the meds and the weight was the same. This was extremely frustrating to me because I was exercising daily and watching everything I ate. So she doubled my dosage. Energy level is still great, feel good and now finally some of the weight is coming off. I’ve lost around 4-5 lbs since mid January. I have mixed feelings about being on the meds. This will be something I will have to take for the rest of my life but I guess if it keeps me healthy it will be worth it.

So there you have it. I came to delete the blog all together and ended up blogging about it. LOL! If any of my past readers are still around… I’m baaaaack!


2 thoughts on “2010 and beyond

  1. The blog IS BACK! I have to get used to checking for updates again… I will try and provide small bits of motivation now and then. Today I will say that you will destroy your Toledo Half Marathon time!

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